Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction


An 8-Week course for reducing the impacts of stress with mindfulness meditation and movement practices.

As part of this class, you have the additional opportunity to participate in an independent research study be compensated up to $230 for your time.

See full program description below for details or go here to check your eligibility.

Class Dates: Wednesdays, October 23 – December 11
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. ET
Group Size: 10 to 35
Location: Live-Online Via Zoom

SKU: MBSR2024 Category:

MBSR teaches embodied mindfulness techniques through meditations, mindful movement and group process. Embracing mindfulness involves engaging directly with the experiences unfolding in your life. It empowers you to actively manage stress, pain, and life's demands by cultivating a nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a secular, scientifically validated method that complements various spiritual beliefs. Scientific studies conducted at medical and research centers around the world suggest that MBSR can positively and often profoundly affect participants' lives. Both researchers and past participants have noticed MBSR can be helpful for:

  • Stress reduction
  • Decreasing medical symptoms
  • Improving self-care
  • Greater ability to manage anxiety and depression
  • Loosening of the grip of negative habits and thinking
  • Improving symptoms of burnout
  • Clearer recognition of when your attitude or mood is beginning to change so you can be less reactive
  • Discovering that difficult thoughts and feelings can be seen from a different perspective that brings a sense of compassion and less judgment
  • Improving sense of well-being and learning how to be present and appreciate the simple pleasures of everyday life


As part of this class, you have the additional opportunity to participate in an independent research study. The study is being conducted by Dr. Clifford Saron and his colleagues at the Center for Mind and Brain at the University of California, Davis. They are investigating the effects of mindfulness-based training on reactions to social and emotional scenes and situations, and on interpersonal experiences in daily life.

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete 3 assessments and would be compensated up to $230 for your time. The 3 assessments would be completed from your own home and would take place the week before your course begins, the week after your course ends, and 8 weeks after your course ends. Participation in this research is entirely optional and is not part of the training you will receive in your class. If you are interested in learning more about the study, please follow this link to see if you are eligible to participate. IMPORTANT: To participate in this research study, you must fully enroll in your class at least four days before the official class start date.